Archives: FAQs

How do I pay my ticket?

You can pay your ticket online here. For questions or alternate payment methods, you may contact the court at: Their Website (click here) P:(254) 893-6851 F: (254) 893-3254 P.O.Box 318/125 S Texas, De Leon TX 76444 In addition to your fines, by ordinance this court is required to charge an $1.25 credit card fee. … Continued

I got a ticket from the De Leon Police Department. What now?

You will need to appear before the Presiding Judge at the De Leon Municipal Court, before or at the time and date at the bottom of your ticket. Court is held at 10 am on Tuesdays and Fridays, (except for holiday closings) at 125 S Texas ST, De Leon TX 76444. If you fail to … Continued

Where would I file a complaint against another person?

For class c misdemeanors or code enforcement violations, the Municipal Court. Our prosecuting attorney will review the complaint and may press charges. The form may obtained at the Municipal Court’s offices, or click here for a downloadable copy. Do NOT sign it without the Clerk of the Court witnessing your signature, or it will not be … Continued

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