Industrial Development
De Leon TX 76444
Economic Development Corporations (EDCs) are legal entities with the statutory authority to spend economic development sales tax dollars. The EDCs are city-chartered and governed by a city-appointed board of directors, not to have a term to exceed six (6) years. EDCs are referred to as either "Type A" or "Type B" depending on the type of economic development sales tax uses approved by the local voters. The De Leon Industrial Development Corporation is a Type A corporation.
Chapter 501-502, Local Government Code is the section of Texas law that contains the rules governing the uses of the economic development sales tax, including eligible uses of revenues and procedures that must be followed to enact the tax.
Board Members:
- Toney Prather - President
- Kevin Caraway - Vice President
- Tim Beaty - Secretary/Treasurer
- Feltz Terrill - Board Member
- Brandon Holland - Board Member
- Heather Armstrong - Board Member
- Emma Gonzales - Board Member
Board Meetings:
- Regular Meetings: 3rd Tuesday of each month
- Time: 5:00 p.m.
- Location: City Council Chambers at 125 S. Texas Street, De Leon, Texas
The EDC meetings are open to the public and anyone wishing to come and sit in and see what is being discussed may do so. There is a public comment on each agenda so that you may voice your concerns and be heard; however to do so you must fill out the Public Comment Form before the meeting begins & turn it in to the board's designee. The board cannot respond on anything stated in the public comment, but can address it at another board meeting or it may be handled by the President's Office or by the Secretary. We welcome you to attend and see what your appointed officials are working on and how they conduct business!
The De Leon Industrial Development Corporation is a type 4a Economic Development Board, which, under state law is funded by sales tax. The DIDC is dedicated to considering loan applications from local businesses and entrepreneurs, that will create sales tax for the community, and create/retain employment.
The DIDC is subject to the Texas Open Meetings Act.