City Council
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Meet the busiest town with the friendliest people.
The City of De Leon, Texas, was initially incorporated as a municipality by election on August 30th,1890, then was later re-incorporated on August 29th, 1899. The first mayor elected under the new incorporation was former Comanche County Judge John Lambert, who took office in April 1900. De Leon was later chartered as a Home Rule city in 1919.
Council Meetings
- Regular Meetings: Monthly on the 2nd Monday night, and special Called Meetings.
- Time: 5:30 p.m.
- Location: City Council Chambers at 125 S. Texas Street, De Leon, Texas
The city council meetings are open to the public and anyone wishing to come and sit in and see what is being discussed may do so. There is a public comment on each agenda so that you may voice your concerns and be heard; however to do so you must fill out the Public Comment Form before the meeting begins & turn it in to the City Secretary. The council cannot respond on anything stated in the public comment, but can address it at another council meeting or it may be handled by one of the department heads or the mayor. We welcome you to attend and see what your elected officials are working on and how they conduct business!