Animal Shelter
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PO Box 318
De Leon, Texas 76444
De Leon, Texas 76444
Monday - Friday: 9:00 am - 5:00 pm
If you would like to go out to the Animal Shelter to look at our animals, please call City Hall at the number below to make an appointment, as the Animal Shelter is located on private property.
All trespassers will be prosecuted.
The city requires all cats and dogs to have current rabies vaccination and city tags. These can be purchased at the City Hall office located at 125 S Texas Street.
No household may have more than four cats, dogs, or a combination of both.
If you think your animal has been impounded, please visit our City of De Leon Animal Shelter Facebook and identify them. All animals impounded are placed on a 3 day hold before being eligible for adoption, pending claim of ownership.
- Rabies Voucher: $10 (Redeemable at Comanche County Vet Clinic)
- City Tags: $6. $4 if pet is spayed/neutered
- Impoundment Fee: $30, then $10 a day after three days.
- Pickup Fee: 1st Pickup: $25. 2nd Pickup: $50. 3rd Pickup: $75. 4th Pickup: City owns dog Outside City Pickup: $75